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Pupil Voice

School Council

The Student Council system at Bridgemary School is part of the overall programme that develops leadership and responsibility.

Student Council representatives are expected to establish and maintain the highest standards of behaviour, attitude, and appearance at all times and provide a positive role model for other pupils.  Students in years 7 - 9 can apply to become members of the Silver ties and students in years 10 and 11 have the opportunity to apply for the Gold Ties.

Student Council members will exhibit the personal qualities that are valued at Bridgemary School, including self-discipline, leadership skills, communication skills, public speaking (for some), politeness, helpfulness, respect, and care for others.

They are reliable and responsible members of the School’s community.

Becoming a member of the Student Council involves writing a letter of application, detailing why they think they have the attributes required, and an interview.  Those fortunate to be selected, take up their post in June to assist with end of year arrangements and give them time to become accustomed to the role, in advance of the new academic year.

The Student Council role is wide-ranging with many different responsibilities.

These, and indeed the responsibilities of all Students in the Silver and Gold Ties – can be distilled into:

  • Represent and serve the whole School community;
  • Represent the views of students and the wider School community appropriately and through the correct channels and structures;
  • Promote the School in a positive way internally to pupils and to the wider community externally;
  • Set the highest standards of dress, behaviour, and attitude at all times.

Each year group has its own dedicated Student Council they organise themselves into a committee with a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, inclusion and Equalities officer. These students will be offered training by their head of year to help them to learn about different styles of leadership, how to manage teams and start to understand their own strengths as a leader and their own individual style.